Visit to Bodie, CA - July, 2008

Founded in 1859 in the high Sierras by gold prospectors, Bodie is California's only gold rush ghost town. The city has zero inhabitants and remains in a state of arrested decay with the buildings, belongings, mining equipment, and graves left behind when fire, disease, and gunslinger violence drove the town's population out. Summers were blistering, but winters were worse, with snow up to 20 feet deep and temps dropping to negative 40 Farenheit, but it didn't stop miners from pulling out between $34 and $100 million in gold, depending on whom you ask.

The photos depict the town's sun-beaten shacks with nail-spitting roofs, a bank, a collection of deluxe outhouses, local stores, the town bar . . . and ghosts.


© 2008 Scotch Wichmann